Hello. My name is Janine. And I am a Hedgealolic.
I am 20 years old (will be 21 in May) and have been in love
with Animals in general since I could walk and talk. Maybe even before then! lol
I have not stopped obsessing over hedgies since my cousin
introduced me to them a year ago. I have read many sites, joined a few and bought books (although not all books are accurate).
I am also part of a great forum http://www.chins-n-quills.com. There are sooo many knowledgeable people on this site, it's
unbelievable. But they are great people who truly care about Hedgehogs (and Chinchillas too!)
We do have a mini-zoo going on here, and most likely, it
will only get bigger! I have a beautiful Golden Retriever, Chloe, who is a runt of sorts! lol...she is just 10 lbs under the
average weight for a female Golden. She's my big suck and drives herself nuts trying to find a way to play with the hedgies.
Chloe's birthday is July 1st, 2004. THAT'S RIGHT! My Canada Day Girl! Then there is Jazmin, my DSH kitty. I have had her
from practically since she could fit into the palm of my hand! (I found her when I was babysitting one time). She will be
6 years old this coming August. She was born in August of 2000.
Then there is Lucy, who is technically Jason's (my cousin who lives with us) cat. She
is another DSH kitty and evil to the core! Her approximate Birthdate is May of 2004.
Then there is Kazz. Kazz is the sexy hedgeman! lol...He is technically Jason's as well.
But I love him just as much!
And lastly, there is a 25 Gal fish tank with pretty fishies in it!
Outside of the house, housed on a farm in Port Perry, there are two more pets of mine!
One is an Indian Runner, named Mickey. He/She is a duck! (We aren't too sure of the sex as of yet, but have a feeling its
a female. We will find out in the Spring if she lays eggs or not! lol). And then there is Charlie, my dominant Rooster! He's
the main man of the hens on the farm!
What a job!
Currently, I am working on part-time. Extremely part-time.
I am doing Temp work for the time being. It pays the bills (and for Lily's things) and also gives me lots of time to be with
I am, though, currently waiting for a call from Home Depot, hopefully in regards to me getting
a position. I have had 2 interviews with them as it is, but I am told, there is a 3rd one to be conducted by Human Resources.
Oh Joy!
I will keep you guys updated as I go along!